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Fig. 5 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 5

From: Traumatic brain injury induces TDP-43 mislocalization and neurodegenerative effects in tissue distal to the primary injury site in a non-transgenic mouse

Fig. 5

RNAseq analysis shows increasing misregulation of key biological processes in the cervical spinal cord. AB Venn diagrams show the same lack of DEG overlap between the early and late timepoints in the analyzed spinal cord tissue as found in the cortex. CG Volcano plots show a milder but still increasing amount of significantly misregulated genes that meet a log2 fold change > 0.585 (1.5 fold change) (Note missing points at 120 DPI: Wdfy1, Tmem181b-ps, Gabra2, and Kif5a, log2 fold change = 1.74, 1.41, 0.99, 1.15, and −0.34, padj −log 10 = 125.83, 89.76, 41.97, 40.37, and 25.87 respectively, 180 DPI: mt-Nd3 fold change = −3.96, padj −log 10 = 58.20). H Heat maps displaying changes over time of all up and downregulated DEGs for 180 and 7 DPI. IJ Heat maps of averaged samples from upregulated 180 and 7 DPI gene sets. Only DEGs with log2 fold change > 0.585 (1.5 fold change) and padj value < .05 used for this analysis. Spinal cord tissue included both ipsilateral and contralateral (to the unilateral TBI) tissue

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