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Fig. 4 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 4

From: Mechanisms of metabolic stress induced cell death of human oligodendrocytes: relevance for progressive multiple sclerosis

Fig. 4

Shrinkage of hOL nuclear size in MS lesions and under metabolic stress in vitro. a Sample images of an MS case showing nucleus size in NAWM, lesion edge, and lesion center. Scale bars correspond to 10 μm. b Quantification of nuclear size (surface area) in NAWM, lesion edge, and lesion center, showing nuclear size reduced in the lesion center and edge compared to NAWM. Statistical significance was assessed using ANOVA/Dunnett’s test: *(< 0.05), **(< 0.01). c Quantification of nuclear size in optimal (N1), low glucose (LG) and no glucose (NG) conditions at 4 days, showing nuclear size reduced under metabolic stress. Statistical significance was assessed using ANOVA/Dunnett’s test: *(< 0.05). d Sample images illustrating nucleus size (DAPI staining) in vitro under N1, LG and NG conditions. Scale bars correspond to 20 μm

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