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Fig. 4 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 4

From: IGFBP2 promotes proliferation and cell migration through STAT3 signaling in Sonic hedgehog medulloblastoma

Fig. 4

IGFBP2 knock down reduces levels of EMT markers and matrix remodeling marker proteins Representative western blot images of EMT markers and matrix remodeling marker proteins in human and mouse IGFBP2 knockdown stable cell lines a UW228 (n = 3) b ONS76 (n = 5) c PZp53Med (n = 3) and d NeuroD2:Smo/A1 mouse primary cells (n = 2) e Immunofluorescence Analysis of N cadherin in wild type and IGFBP2 knockdown cells (n = 3)

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