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Fig. 1 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 1

From: Upregulation of carbonic anhydrase 1 beneficial for depressive disorder

Fig. 1

Decreased expression of CAR1 in MDD patients and depression-like model rodents. (A) The protein level of CAR1 in healthy controls (n = 29) and MDD patients (n = 36) revealed by ELISA assay. (B) Western blot analysis for the expression level of CAR1 in the serum of mice after CSDS exposure. (C) Western blot analysis showed the changes of CAR1 in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of mice after CSDS or CRS (n = 6 for each group) treatment. (D) Western blot analysis of CA family isoforms in the hippocampi between CSDS mice model and control mice group. (E) Western blot analysis showed the changes of CAR1 in the hippocampus among CSDS susceptible group (n = 6), resilient group (n = 7) and control group (n = 6). (F) Q-PCR identification of car1 mRNA in the hippocampi among among CSDS susceptible group (n = 7), resilient group (n = 8) and control group (n = 7). (G) Western blot analysis showed the changes in the cerebellum and entorhinal cortex of CSDS mice. (H) The expression of CAR1 in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex from the CUMS-treated rats. β-actin or GAPDH was used as loading controls. Unpaired t-test analysis, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01

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