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Fig. 5 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 5

From: Cerebellar presence of immune cells in patients with neuro-coeliac disease

Fig. 5

Shows Iba-1 and TMEM119 immunoreactivity in sequentially cut sections of a neurocoeliac disease patient. A and B focus on the grey matter and specifically on the Purkinje cell layer, showing Iba-1 and TMEM119, respectively. C and D focus on the white matter, Iba-1 staining in C and TMEM119 in D. Lower panels represent higher magnifications of the white rectangles in the top panels. Figure F shows a remaining Purkinje cell. A similar immunoreactivity pattern can be seen in both grey matter and white matter while comparing Iba-1 and TMEM119, establishing that the Iba-1 immunoreactivity truly portrays microglia. Scale bar figure A–D 50 um, Figure E–H 20 um

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